If you need to make a payment, please go to sterlinggreencia.managebuilding.com
and set - up an account or send all payments to: P.O. Box 1115 Channelview, Texas 77530.
If you would like to pay online:
1. Go to www.sterlinggreencia.managebuilding.com
2. Click on "Don't have an account? Sign up.
3. Enter your name as it appears on your statement. Enter in your email address and phone number. Select Sterling Green CIA from the drop-down menu, and then select your unit number(listed above under your account number).
4. Click "Create account."
5. You'll receive an email with instructions to set up your password.
The Sterling Green Community Improvement Association has one of the lowest annual assessment fees in the Houston area. Since 2010, the assessment fee has remained at $270.00 annually.
If an assessment fee goes unpaid, Sterling Green will seek the legal remedies available to collect the past due assessment fee. These remedies include liens against your property and judgments filed against you in District Court.
Understand that, when assessment fees are not collected, the community has to make up the difference.
We, the officers, directors, managers and employees of the association want to work with you.
If you are having problems making ends meet, come to the office and setup a payment plan or inquire to what can be done to help you make it through a hard time.
Under Texas law, specifically the Texas Property Code, we are required to work with you to help you keep your home and we will gladly help you make it happen. Also, under Texas Law, your right to privacy is guaranteed.
Preparation of HOA Requests - $150.00 (If given a 10 day notice prior to closing)
Preparation of HOA Requests - $250.00 (For Urgent Requests)
Sales Transfer Fee – $250.00
Refinance Fee – $175.00
Resale Certificate - $300.00
Insurance Policy - $100.00
Sterling Green Community Improvement Association
Sterling Green Community Improvement Association, 14807 S. Silver Green Dr, Houston, TX 77015, US
Copyright © 2019 Sterling Green Community Improvement Association - All Rights Reserved.
Product of PrismTechTX LLC.
Designed by PrismTechTX LLC: Bobby Hurman
Please join us for the homeowners meeting for January 2025 at the CV Fire Station #3 at 7:00 pm